Whether you are an individual collector or a Fortune 500 corporation, art makes a statement about who you are. Of course for a company, it goes much deeper than that.
Every company is also a brand. Yet, surprisingly few ever include it in their planning process. A brand is not what you say you are; it’s what your customers say you are.
Everything you do contributes to your brand image, from the size of the type on your invoices to the mood of the receptionist who answers your phone.
Just the decision to invest in art sets a company apart. It is an interactive process that supports the art community. It says that your company has a higher vision than the bottom line on the balance sheet. It’s a connection to a larger world that exists in the perceptions of one’s customer base. In this era of mass produced, plastic, one-size-fits-all commodities, anything hand-made with love takes on incredible value.
And, the irony for all those “other” companies is that carefully selected artwork has usually proven to be a solid business investment.